Monday, August 31, 2009

Russell Crowe gasping for air.

I was so out of breath after climbing up this hill with my cigarette I decided to take a bike ride.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Dallas Cowboys' new stadium....

This whole video was suppose to be about the huge screens in their new place, but the chick who is kind of a box, started showing bad seats in the place. let's just say that beats the point of the video.....Good part is at 2:00 in.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


You're such a Fox.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Dave Ryan from 101.3 KDWB......

I think people from Minneapolis think we are upset about Bretty-poo. Well, last year he wasn't a Packer, so do you think we are going to be more upset this year? No. Nice sign by the way. Suck it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Britney's Top 10

You can totally tell there was no video editing done at all.

Letterman - Britney Spears Top Ten List
Letterman - Britney Spears Top Ten List

You made all of us mad Heidi

If you are going to pose in Playboy and make a huge deal out of it for 3 months, at least get naked. No one knew until the issue came out that she wasn't going to get into her birthday suit. She could have taken these pictures and put them in US Weekly if she really wanted to. Spencer must be happy though.....what a loser.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Miley Cyrus.......

Looks like she knows what she wants to be when she turns 18. Good for her.

Monday, August 10, 2009

If You Wanna Be My Lover

Posh Spice........not really what you think of when you hear "American Idol."

And just so we remember what Posh used to do.....Nothing!....Tell me what part of the song she sings by herself and get a dollar.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Paris Hilton's doggy home

I hope all unemployed, poverty stricken people turn a deaf ear, because this could be painful!!

Paris Hilton had a 300 sq. ft, $325,000 dog house built for her pups Tinkerbell, Marilyn Monroe, Prince Baby Bear, Harajuku, Dolce and Prada.

The pooch mansion sits behind her Beverly Hills home and is furnished with faux designer doggie products from Jimmy Chew, Pawda, Sniffany & Co. and Chewy Vuitton.

"It's a miniature version of my house," said the heiress to Life & Style. "I designed it with the help of my interior decorator, Faye Resnick. I wanted it to be fun, cute, comfortable and beautiful. My friends just love it and think it's so adorable and cool. My friends say they have a better wardrobe than most people."

I think I just threw up.

Lady Gaga..............

What died on top of her head? I am not sure of her yet.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Audrina Burger

Let's just get this straight, a chick like this has never had a burger like that in her life. If she were to eat it, that would most likely be her entire calorie intake for 3 weeks.