Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Raining spiders!? Really!?

If there is one thing I hate, it's spiders. I could not imagine them falling from the sky, gross.

Monday, February 11, 2013

If you hate Valentine's Day, watch this video.

10 Ways to Break a Heart

Thursday, February 7, 2013

How much would money would it take for you to not use Facebook?

$200 to not use Facebook for 6 months?

Rachel Baier, a 14-year-old high school student from Wellesley, Mass., struck a deal with her dad that would require her to completely walk away from the popular social network for five months. In exchange, her father Paul will pay her $200. If successful, the teenager will receive $50 in April and $150 in June.
They even took it as far as drafting up a contract (see pic below). Could you walk away from the Facebooks for 6 months? You'd miss a lot of people complaining about the weather...

Monday, February 4, 2013

A One Minute Man

Ok, we all know Kobayashi, the dude that eats all the hot dogs. Yesterday he ate an entire pizza in one minute during a Super Bowl party. 1) Awesome 2) Gross 3) Awesome

A Look Inside The SB Power Outage....

Friday, February 1, 2013

Katy Perry almost dated who????

I've seen some strange celebrity couples in my day.

Julia Roberts and that ugly-ass country guy.

Peanut Butter and Pickle.

The following would have been right up there on that level.

According to a recent interview with Details Magazine, Katy Perry and Josh Groban were SUPER close to being an item. Here's an excerpt:

DETAILS: Is it true you're friends with Katy Perry? Josh Groban: We're very good friends. We met before her first album was even released, and we hit it off because we're both goofballs.
DETAILS: Did you date her?
Josh Groban: No, not really.
DETAILS: "Not really"? It's simple, Josh: Did your tongue ever touch her tongue?
Josh Groban: [Laughs] I'm not commenting on that. We might have skated on the line of dating.
DETAILS: But you did date January Jones, before she was on "Mad Men."
Josh Groban: We dated for about two and a half years, and we were madly in love. It was definitely my longest relationship. I'd love to get into another serious relationship. I am a real
romantic at heart.
... lemme get this straight. Katy Perry could have dated Josh Groban and chose John Freakin' Mayer instead? Good call.

Super Bowl Commercials leaked...

A lot of the Super Bowl commercials have already leaked on you tube. I thought the this Budweiser one was pretty neat.